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“Practice and ALL will come” ~ My yoga Guru, Dr. V.S. Rao  

Danielle’s intention as a teacher is to support and allow  what is showing up in our body, mind, and experience personally and collectively, and to honor the process of transformation through a natural unfolding to occur rather than attempting to force a result.

“During the time of stress, the “fight-or-flight” response is on and the self-repair mechanism is disabled. It is then when we say that the immunity of the body goes down and the body is exposed to the risk for disease. Meditation activates relaxation, when the sympathetic nervous system is turned off and the parasympathetic nervous system is turned on, and natural healing starts.”― Annie Wilson, Effect of Meditation on Cardiovascular Health, Immunity & Brain Fitness

Yoga is recognized as a practice that improves your quality of life. I have rediscovered this Truth and have seen incredible shifts and positive changes within my practice, body, and life. As I have evolved, so has my yoga practice. Currently practicing and teaching Kaiut Yoga, which is a biomechanical approach to yoga that is adaptable, flexible, and easily approachable to all people everywhere. This method adapts the ancient practice of yoga into an innovative way that relieves the challenges of modern life.

The Kaiut Yoga method is a series of sequences, precisely curated in order to: provide a parasympathetic nervous system response, meet the places of restrictions and rigidity in the body – Many of the classes are focused on unlocking the hip, shoulder, and ankle girdles – with great kindness and ease, create opportunities to bring more blood flow and Presence, and develop intimacy with our experience and body which support our ability to drop into a state of meditation and deep rest. 

The method works with natural movements, increasing mobility and returning the body to its ideal structure and functionality. Intelligent use of the floor, walls, and force of gravity allow students to experience deep, transformative body work in a 100% safe environment. This enables the teacher to explore the individual situation of each student, delivering impactful and prompt results for all students.

“When we begin to close our eyes and take a couple of slow deep breaths and become aware of it, we’re literally switching nervous systems.  We switch from that fight or flight nervous system. As we begin to breathe and we begin to turn on the other nervous system called the parasympathetic nervous system, that nervous system is the nervous system of relaxation…  Your heart rate slows down, your respiratory system slows down, your blood pressure changes.  All your blood flow goes into your internal organs and into your brain and metabolism, or better said, energy is being rejuvenated and restored and no energy is leaking out to address emergency situations, to address threats.” – Dr. Joe Dispenza, neuroscientist & author

In Kaiut Yoga, we hold poses and utilize finely-directed micro-engagements to release adhesions in the connective tissue, which both strengthens and opens the joints.

The results of Kaiut yoga are undeniable (to name a few):

  • Chronic pain relief
  • Balanced nervous system (relief of anxiety)
  • Alleviation of inflammatory disease symptoms
  • Joint mobilization
  • Better sleep
  • Improved circulation
  • Better digestion
  • Relaxation

Kaiut yoga is designed for biomechanical optimization. It is a practice for all bodies, no exceptions. Tight athletes, hyper-flexible dancers, people with joint replacements, persons with chronic illness, traumatic injury survivors, and truly anyone with aches and stiffness from daily life will find deep nourishment in this classroom.


  • Yoga Mat — Any standard yoga mat will do. If you do not have one, practicing on a towel or carpet is just fine.
  • Bolster — The cheapest and most Kaiut-friendly bolsters can be found online at (Remove & save 1/3 of the cotton filling to get your bolster practice-ready. You can have one large stuffed bolster and another less stuffed.) Occasionally, two bolsters are required for practice, but we can adapt the sequences if you only have one. You can substitute a rolled blanket, pillow, or couch cushion for a bolster.
  • Block — Any standard yoga block will do. In Kaiut, we work with heavy, wooden blocks that are different dimensions than any on the market currently. Occasionally, two blocks are required for practice. We can adapt the sequences for you if you only have one. You can substitute a stack of books for a block.
  • Strap — Any standard yoga strap will do. You can substitute a belt, tie, or long scarf for a strap.
  • Spot at the wall — Some sequences require legs up the wall, and sometimes we do standing postures with our hands on the wall. Using a door or window is fine as well.
  • Chair — Access to a chair will be valuable for some practitioners, particularly those with sensitivity to sitting and kneeling on the floor. A couch or the edge of a bed will work also, but please ensure that your seat is not on wheels.
  • Device with a camera connected to WiFi — You will need to set up your computer, tablet, or phone so that you can be seen clearly and you can look at the screen as needed. Place the device on an elevated surface, have it farther away from you to capture more in the frame, and try to angle the device so the camera points down. To improve the quality of your class, please stay close to your internet router, turn off other devices, and close any other apps and/or browsers that your device is running.


Legs up the wall.

In early 2021, Danielle introduced me to Kaiut Yoga.  I had practiced other yoga before, but Kaiut immediately had more of an impact on how my body felt and in an immediate way.   Kaiut opens the practice by having your legs up the wall with your back on the floor and your head supported.  This position taught me just how stiff my whole back and shoulders were since it was initially uncomfortable to stay in.  However, when I came out of it, my upper back relaxed and cracked as if I’d been adjusted.   That day I decided to commit  to getting in that position for 10-20 min a day while listening to a meditation or music.   I had no idea how impactful that decision would be!

My lower back has been tight and stiff since I was a teenager.  I saw chiropractors on and off and none of them could get that area loose.  They all recommended more hamstrings stretching, which I tried but while that would relieve aching, it didn’t help with the mobility.   After just a couple WEEKS of having my legs up for just 10-15 min a day, my lower back released decades of tension.  I almost cried feeling the release and gaining more mobility.  A year later, and my shoulders and neck have also shifted and my posture has never been better. 

Kaiut yoga weekly is part of this improvement, but I think the daily legs up the wall has been even more impactful.  Whether you try Kaiut or not, I highly recommend trying legs up a few times a week.  See what results you’ll see! (Shelagh Donahue, 2022)

I feel more confident in my body/mind connection thanks to Kaiut yoga classes that I am taking with Danielle. These classes are helping my joints regain mobility and strength. I feel an abundance of gratitude.” (Dawn Wyman, 2021)

Danielle gave me my first introduction in Kaiut yoga. What an amazing experience, relaxing and yin, it gave me the relaxation and calm I needed. Being able to stretch into the poses at my own pace made me comfortable and trusting of the practice. I strongly recommend Danielle as a Kaiut instructor.” (Mindy Wilson, 2021)

My hesitation with yoga is that my body won’t do all the “things.”  But, I find with Kaiut yoga, there is no right or wrong way necessarily and it adapts to my body, instead of my body having to adapt to it.  The sensations were definitely there in the joints, and hip flexors for sure, but I found that I could still feel benefit at whatever approximation of the pose or movement I could achieve and feel comfortable with.” (Susan Fisher, 2021)