Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi Limi Massage
Lomi Lomi utilizes more than just hands, featuring broad, slow strokes.

Lomi Lomi is the ancient Hawaiian massage practiced based on the principles of the Huna.
Huna emphasizes practical living and harmony with three levels of consciousness or selves – the unihipili (subconscious, inner, emotional, intuitive), uhane (waking consciousness, rational) and aumakua (super-conscious, connection with the divine).

Traditional Hawaiian belief views Huna, similar to the concept of mana, as a vitalizing life force, which can, with knowledge of the three selves, be used to heal body and mind and achieve life goals

Hawaiian Lomi Lomi uses whole body rhythmic movements like the flow of the ocean.  The long flowing strokes allow the body to enter into deep relaxation, helping break patterns and blockages, thus, powerfully healing the whole body and assisting in health and balance.